


The Goldman-Hermelin Education Foundation was established in 1986 to provide for the long term stability of Hillel Day School and to ensure that scholarship assistance and programming excellence would be maintained and sustained. The foundation is comprised of restricted and non-restricted endowment funds which all serve to benefit the school. Donations can be made to any of these funds at any time. For a list of the funds and their purpose, please see below.

A restricted fund may be established by a gift of $50,000. A non-restricted fund may be established by a gift of $25,000. For more information on how you can give a gift or establish a fund, please contact Amy Schlussel, Director of Advancement at 248-539-1484 or

Restricted Funds

List of 34 items.

Unrestricted Funds

List of 1 items.

  • These funds provide for those students in need of tuition assistance.

    Beverly & Morris Baker Fund
    Marcia/Morry Bednarsh Family Endowment Fund
    Mandell Berman Fund
    The Anaruth & Henri Bernard Family Scholarship Fund
    Bradley and Saul BluestoneMemorial Scholarship Fund
    Louis C. Blumberg Perpetual Scholarship Fund
    Borofsky Scholarship Fund
    Brickman Family Fund
    Dina and Herman Brodsky Scholarship Fund
    Anna & Samuel Chapin Memorial Fund
    Jack Cranis Scholarship Fund
    Derin Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Sheri Devries Ph.D. Scholarship Fund
    Phillip Diskin Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Belle Eisenberg Scholarship Fund
    The Phyllis Falbaum Scholarship Fund
    Dolores and Leonard Farber Scholarship Fund
    Seymour D. Finkel Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Sophie & Max Fischel Scholarship Fund
    Fisher Family Scholarship Fund
    Max Fisher Fund
    Ruth and Nathan Freedland Scholarship Fund
    Ilana Glazier and Lowell Schmeltz Endowment Fund
    Martin and Linda Goldman Administrative Expense Fund
    Rabbi & Mrs Irwin Groner Fund
    Guttentag Memorial Scholarship Fund
    David and Doreen Hermelin Administrative Expense Fund
    Iczkovitz Family Scholarship Fund
    Judge George & Mrs Jennie Kent Family Scholarship Fund
    Sonia Klein Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Laker Fund
    Mayme Lawson Scholarship Fund
    Mina & Henry Martin Scholarship Fund
    Beth Nadis Fund
    Mr. and Mrs. Oslik Scholarship Fund
    Evan Tyler Otis Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Milton Petrie Fund
    Sigmund & Sophie Rohlik Fund
    The Seymor D. Finkel Memorial Scholarship Fund 
    Cantor Max Shimansky Fund
    Rosalyn and Rudolph ShulmanFund
    Ben Teitel Charitable Trust Fund
    Floyd S. Tukel M.D. Fund
    Karen Waldman Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Rosalind and Jerry Weisberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Rubin Weiss Fund

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Amy Schlussel

    Amy Schlussel 

    Director of Advancement
  • Photo of Rachel Lachover

    Rachel Lachover 

    Annual Giving Manager

List of 6 items.

  • isacs

  • ism

  • jewish federation

  • naeyc

  • nais

  • prizmah

Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit
32200 Middlebelt Road | Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 851-3220 
